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Medical and Healthcare Conference and Event Organiser
At the end of a tough year many of our clients were looking for ways to bring teams together, recognise the efforts in coping with Covid-19 and say thank you, with a fun, festive but virtual event.
Responding to the Covid challenge, the High 5 Team delivered a new series of Christmas events to provide a festive sparkle for XX Festive Delegates to enjoy.
“As it was virtual and answers secretly emailed people didn’t know how few questions I got right” 😊
“Thank you for bringing us a little joy in such uncertain times. Your enthusiasm was clear. I felt like it was the first time in AGES that I have actually laughed. I didn’t even care how bad I was!”
“I loved the virtual aspect of this event. If it difficult to get study leave but blocking out an hour of your diary each day is manageable”
Adding a bit of fun to a virtual conference for one of our Pharma clients. No one was hungry! A tasty evening and much fun. Something very different from the usual on-line Zoom call.