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Medical and Healthcare Conference and Event Organiser
Our client has been running a successful annual education conference for up to 200 delegates for a number of years. Despite Covid-19 they were keen to maintain contact with HCPs (Healthcare Professionals) and update their customers on their latest research and a new product launch.
“I liked the virtual meetings. It saved traveling time and I could access them even on my mobile while on breaks” - Busy HCP
“I wouldn't normally be able to attend the UK seminar so it was great to have access to the same one as my colleagues in UK” - Irish delegate
“I loved the virtual aspect of this event. It is difficult to get study leave but blocking out an hour of your diary each day is manageable” – UK participant
The availability of on-demand viewing doubled the number of session views.
In a post-event survey, over 80% of delegates rated the event 8/10 or higher.
“I loved the virtual aspect of this event. If it difficult to get study leave but blocking out an hour of your diary each day is manageable”
Adding a bit of fun to a virtual conference for one of our Pharma clients. No one was hungry! A tasty evening and much fun. Something very different from the usual on-line Zoom call.
At the end of a tough year many of our clients were looking for ways to bring teams together, recognise the efforts in coping with Covid-19 and say thank you, with a fun, festive but virtual event.
Developing from last year's successful virtual education series, 9 seminars became 36 sessions with 51 different speakers delivered as live along with 12 heavily branded exhibition booths which boosted interactions and tested the speed typing skills of the Booth Reps!